Tell the EPA: Keep us safe from chemical catastrophe

Re: Document ID EPA-HQ-OLEM-2022-0174-0003

There are over 10,000 facilities that make, use, or store hazardous chemicals in the country. Over 3,000 of those are in areas at serious risk of natural hazards like wildfire and flooding -- and when things go wrong at any of them, people can be injured or killed. That's why I strongly support the EPA's proposed amendments to the Risk Management Program.

Requiring regulated facilities to analyze the risk of natural hazards and power loss will go a long way toward making our communities safer. The EPA should also consider developing additional guidance for assessing natural hazards so as to ensure that facilities take all appropriate risks into account.

I also support the EPA's proposal to make more information about chemical hazards available to communities within 6 miles of regulated facilities. Residents have the right to know about potential risks to their health in their communities, and to be informed when an accident occurs.